Police Beg You To Protect Your Money

Handcuffs lying on american dollars, financial crime concept protect

Police Beg You To Protect Your Money Financial Crimes Detectives Offer These Tips Detective Jeff Donley and his team work to protect us. They are with the Financial Crimes Division of the Cherokee County Georgia Sheriff’s Department (LinkedIn Link). In a recent presentation, he offered his team’s Top 10 tips to avoid financial scams both […]

5 Positive Cyber Thoughts for 2025

Experience the serene beauty of yoga on the beach at sunset, with a silhouette of a woman stretching her arms and legs positive

5 Positive Cyber Thoughts for 2025 Breathe and Don’t Worry About A Thing Namaste! Most people start the new year with resolutions to become more organized, eat right, workout, or just be a better human. Too many of these fade away in the first few weeks as reality comes a calling. But I am here […]

Apple Privacy and Security Myths

worm walking on the outside of a red apple

Apple Privacy and Security Myths Dispelling the Lies of the World’s Largest Tech Company The Bright Red Apple Apple users beware! Remember The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe? Here are the highlights. Prince Prospero used his wealth to hide the nobles of his land inside his stronghold while the rest of […]

10 Tips To Deter Social Engineering

Angry furious young blonde deter

10 Tips To Deter Social Engineering Only You Can Prevent Data Theft Most office spaces were not designed with security in mind. Multiple entry points, open corridors, and networks ports in unprotected areas are difficult to protect. Those with a single entry post a receptionist or operator as a gatekeeper thinking any human will deter […]

Why Try To Hide Online?

hide A businessman and a businesswoman standing with arms folded while wearing Groucho Marx glasses.

Why Try To Hide Online? Don’t Pay For Ineffective Anonymity Programs! Las Vegas is a spectacle of sights, sounds, and entertainment. Can’t hide your enthusiasm. But no trip to Vegas is complete without trying your luck in one of the many casinos that are the foundation of the city, according to the advertising. Anyone can […]

Magic Inside QR Codes

qr codes Young businessman with angel and devil on his shoulders.

Magic Inside QR Codes The Good, The Bad, and The Hopeful They are everywhere. On television. In the grocery store. At your favorite restaurant. On the bus. In the newspaper. You probably have one within eyesight right now! No, it’s not a cute puppy. I’m talking about QR codes. Denso Wave, a Japanese company, invented […]

It Came From INSIDE The House!

Man with flashlight looking under the bed.

It Came From INSIDE The House! Protect Yourself From Bandwidth Thieves They are everywhere inside your house. All around you, little thieves are hiding in plain sight. You watch them, they watch you, but you don’t even realize they are slowly eating away at…your Internet bandwidth. What did you think I was talking about? Notice […]

Latest Breach Data Tells All

breach - The boss or CEO of a company holds a crystal ball while his employees gather around him to see what the future holds.

Latest Breach Data Tells All What We Can Learn From Others’ Failures Verizon recently released its 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report. You can find it here (Link). The report covers over 30,000 incidents, of which over 10,000 were deemed actual breaches. To clarify, their percentages do overlap, so don’t roast me when I quote numbers […]

10 Privacy Tips for Business Owners

Businessman or politician receiving money while being stolen from pocket on a gray background.

10 Privacy Tips for Business Owners Limit What You Share To Protect Your Business For business owners, privacy can be difficult. Growing a business requires leaving your desk, meeting new people, and seizing opportunities when they come along. As a business leader, you’ve read all the books. You walked in the shadows of giants who […]

10 Privacy Tips Everyone Should Know

Girl trying to keep her internet data confidential typing password in secret

10 Privacy Tips Everyone Should Know Finding and Removing Open Source Intelligence Mark Zuckerberg testified before Congress that privacy is dead. Failures by businesses, industries, and our own governments punctuate the reality. One of the best sources of information hackers, scammers, and pesky sales people use to find and harass you is called Open Source […]