Learn Basic Computer Technology, Cybersecurity, and Other Interesting Topics
If knowledge is power and with great power comes great responsibility, then logically speaking, it is your responsibility to be here on our blog! Beyond simply informing and training, these articles aim to entertain and enlighten. In some cases, we barely scrape the tip of the iceberg, but the rabbit hole of cybersecurity is deep, and we hope to be your guide through the often overwhelming subject.
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Too Much Management On Your Hands?
Too Much Management On Your Hands? How and Why Everyone Received Promotions A time existed when a manager held responsibility for dozens or more workers.

Police Beg You To Protect Your Money
Police Beg You To Protect Your Money Financial Crimes Detectives Offer These Tips Detective Jeff Donley and his team work to protect us. They are

5 Positive Cyber Thoughts for 2025
5 Positive Cyber Thoughts for 2025 Breathe and Don’t Worry About A Thing Namaste! Most people start the new year with resolutions to become more

The Myth of Higher Education for IT
The Myth of Higher Education for IT Degrees Are Useless Paper Without Experience Many public schools are adding Cybersecurity tracks to their education curriculum. Colleges,

5 Lies And Solutions For The Cyber Jobs Market
5 Myths and Solutions for Cyber Jobs Where Are Those 4 Million Open Positions? There are supposedly 4 million open cybersecurity jobs in the US.

Apple Privacy and Security Myths
Apple Privacy and Security Myths Dispelling the Lies of the World’s Largest Tech Company The Bright Red Apple Apple users beware! Remember The Masque of

10 Tips To Deter Social Engineering
10 Tips To Deter Social Engineering Only You Can Prevent Data Theft Most office spaces were not designed with security in mind. Multiple entry points,

Why Try To Hide Online?
Why Try To Hide Online? Don’t Pay For Ineffective Anonymity Programs! Las Vegas is a spectacle of sights, sounds, and entertainment. Can’t hide your enthusiasm.

CrowdStrike Outage Punctuates Vendor Fatigue
CrowdStrike Outage Punctuates Vendor Fatigue Outsourcing Gaps Show IT Weaknesses Even before CrowdStrike disbaled Windows computers worldwide, companies of all sizes were feeling vendor fatigue.

10 Tips To Get Cloud Ready
10 Tips To Get Cloud Ready Sticker Shock May Occur! Many reasons exist that drive businesses to the Cloud. Some want redundancy of services and

Magic Inside QR Codes
Magic Inside QR Codes The Good, The Bad, and The Hopeful They are everywhere. On television. In the grocery store. At your favorite restaurant. On

Stop Corporate Data Thieves Cold
Stop Corporate Data Thieves Cold Help To Restore Your Peace of Mind Not every employee and asset in your office works for you. Sure, there

It Came From INSIDE The House!
It Came From INSIDE The House! Protect Yourself From Bandwidth Thieves They are everywhere inside your house. All around you, little thieves are hiding in

Latest Breach Data Tells All
Latest Breach Data Tells All What We Can Learn From Others’ Failures Verizon recently released its 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report. You can find it

Top 10 Ways To Prevent Data Leaks
Top 10 Ways To Prevent Data Leaks Clean Up On Aisle 5! Your company leaks data constantly. How do I know? Recently, my team and

10 Privacy Tips for Business Owners
10 Privacy Tips for Business Owners Limit What You Share To Protect Your Business For business owners, privacy can be difficult. Growing a business requires

10 Privacy Tips Everyone Should Know
10 Privacy Tips Everyone Should Know Finding and Removing Open Source Intelligence Mark Zuckerberg testified before Congress that privacy is dead. Failures by businesses, industries,

What is a Firewall?
What is a Firewall? The Internet’s Most Misunderstood Protection No security professional, IT guru, or shade tree PC tech will ever tell you to connect

10 (Mostly) Free Ways To Stop Robocalls and Spam
10 (Mostly) Free Ways to Stop Robocalls and Spam How To Protect Yourself In Email and On the Phone The scams, hacks, and breaches that

10 Tips Seniors Need To Avoid Scams
10 Tips Seniors Need To Avoid Scams Protect Yourself Online and In Real Life You’ve seen it all. The rise and fall of global superpowers.

10 Teen Tips for Cyber Safety
10 Teen Tips for Cyber Safety Keeping Them Safe Online and IRL (In Real Life) You are special! The Under 18 crowd is one of

The Time of Your (IT) Life
The Time of Your (IT) Life Synchronizing Your Logs For Fun and Profit Time. The common enemy of all humans. It is unstoppable, uncontrollable, unforgiving,

“C” Is For Clueless
“C” Is For Clueless Why Executives Fail Miserably With Cybersecurity WARNING! The United States Federal Government is coming for you. When you fail to properly

Make The Internet Fast Again
Make The Internet Fast Again! OR…12 Tips To Speed Up Your Internet Why is the Internet so slow? We pay for 100 Megs, right? Why

Hacker Series – In Real Life
Hacker Series – In Real Life OR…5 Ways To Thwart Physical Hacks I am a hacker. Sure, I prefer to sit in my sweatpants at

Hacker Series – Exit Strategy
Hacker Series – Exit Strategy OR…5 Ways To Keep Your Insides Inside I am a hacker and I am in your corporate computer network. The

Hacker Series – Playing Hard To Get
Hacker Series – Playing Hard To Get OR…5 Ways To Stop Hackers In Their Tracks I am a hacker. After scouring one million IP addresses

Hacker Series – How I Met Your Data
Hacker Series – How I Met Your Data OR…5 Ways To Keep Hackers Out I am a hacker. Collectively, my friends and I stole, or

How The Internet Works
How The Internet Works OR…Oh, Oh, It’s Magic! Hard to believe that the Internet is nearly 30 years old. Sure, AOL, CompuServe, and Prodigy had

Prepare for Grid Failure
Prepare for Grid Failure OR…Hope You Bought A Can Opener Prepare for grid failure! A power grid failure could upset the balance of society. Don’t

The 7 Deadly Sins of AI
The 7 Deadly Sins of AI OR…What’s In The BOOOX??? Surprise, there’s another division. Companies around the world are rushing off into AI territories to

Why Password Managers Are Key
Why Password Managers Are Key OR…I Forgot What I Forgot While certain password managers have recently suffered corporate side breaches, don’t let it dissuade you

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? OR What are you doing, Dave? Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be everywhere now. It’s part of your email and

Secure Banking Communications to Protect Consumers
Secure Banking Communications to Protect Consumers This article was co-authored by Richard Koontz With consumer confidence at an all-time low and corporations placing profits over

Guide To The Dark Web
Guide To The Dark Web The Marketplace for Breached and Stolen Data The Dark Web is a section of the Internet “hidden” from the open

8 Ways To Protect Yourself From Breaches
8 Ways To Protect Yourself From Breaches OR…Et tu, Best Buy? Consumer breaches occur when companies have personal or confidential data stolen, either from the

11 Tips IT Managers Need To Stop Breaches
11 Tips IT Managers Need To Stop Breaches OR…Silence Is Acceptance Few fears keep pro techies awake at night more than breaches. We’ve heard the

7 Policy Changes To Prevent Corporate Breaches
7 Policy Changes to Prevent Corporate Breaches OR…Head-In-The-Sand Is NOT A Security Posture Home Depot and Target could not prevent corporate breaches, losing almost 100

Cyber Defense – The Meaning of Technology
Cyber Defense – The Meaning of…Technology OR Not In Front of the Interns! Life is hard enough without constantly worrying about cybercrime. Did you know

Cyber Defense – Empirical Education
Cyber Defense – Empirical Education OR Bloody Do-Gooders! Your business has grown to an empire, and the barbarians of cybercrime threaten it! Did you know

Cyber Defense – Kingdom Policies
Cyber Defense – Kingdom Policies OR I Told Him We Already Got One The organization is a kingdom, and cybercrime has it under siege! Did

Unlocking the Cybersecurity Insurance Questionnaire
Unlocking the Cybersecurity Insurance Questionnaire OR Insurance. Why does it always have to be insurance? Congratulations! our company survived whatever the heck you call the

Cybersecurity Foundations – Business Continuity
Foundations – Business Continuity OR Who You Callin’ A Psycho? What happens if? Asking this question helps us keep a business (or household) going in

Cybersecurity Foundations – Access Control
Cybersecurity Foundations – Access Control OR Knock, Knock. Who’s There? Access Control is more than permissions. Once you have completed a Risk Assessment and understand

Practical Power Protection Guide
Practical Power Protection Guide OR You’ve Got The Power, AC and DC! Technology without electricity? Our modern way of life would be impossible without it,

Cybersecurity Foundations – Acceptable Use Policy
Cybersecurity Foundations – Acceptable Use Policy OR You Didn’t Say I Couldn’t Do It Cybersecurity, or security of any kind, is a vast and sometimes

Grid Failure Survival Guide
Grid Failure Survival Guide OR Be The Ants, Not The Grasshopper Disaster Planning covers situations such as grid failure when the unexpected or unprecedented happens

Cybersecurity Foundations – Risk Assessment and BIA
Cybersecurity Foundations – Risk Assessment and BIA OR Ignorance Is NOT Bliss We continue our climb up the mountain of Cybersecurity to discuss what is

Cybersecurity Foundations – Frameworks and Policy
Cybersecurity Foundations – Frameworks and Policy OR Did You Read the Instructions? Cybersecurity, or security of any kind, is a vast and sometimes complicated orchestra

A One-Sided Cyberwar with Russia
A One-Sided Cyberwar with Russia OR That’s Not Yogi Nor Does He Want Your Pic-i-nic Baskets Am I the only one feeling early 80s vibes?

Wrangling and Securing IT Vendors
Wrangling and Securing IT Vendors OR Who Let the Intellectual Property Out? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? No single vendor can provide every Information Technology

Building A Better Democracy
Building A Better Democracy OR Secure Your Right…to Election Integrity Would you like a better democracy? Sure, we all would! So when I was recently

Horror Stories – No Electricity
Horror Stories – No Electricity OR Pitch Black Electricity is like oxygen. You don’t think about it until you aren’t getting any. Sure, you have surge protectors,

Horror Stories – ZOMBIES!
Horror Stories – ZOMBIES! OR I Smell Bandwidth! I Want To Eat Your Bandwidth! It’s an age-old debate. Walkers or Runners? Brains or Flesh? Bandwidth

Horror Stories – No People
Horror Stories – No People OR Hello? Anybody? No, I don’t mean the Zombie Apocalypse has rendered the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) an imploded pile of

Horror Stories – No Internet
Horror Stories – No Internet OR Offline, No One Can Hear You Scream The Cloud! How convenient! Our email and files are always available 100%

Cybersecurity Basics – Tech Lords
Cybersecurity Basics – Tech Lords OR My Other Car is a Police Call Box This three-part series covers the basics of cybersecurity for three different

Cybersecurity Basics – Daily Users
Cybersecurity Basics – Daily Users OR Don’t Develop a Case of the Mondays This three-part series covers the basics of cybersecurity for three different user

Cybersecurity Basics – Novice
Cyber Security Basics – Novice OR Grandma’s Got a Brand New Smart Bag This three-part series covers the basics of cybersecurity for three different user

Phishing Phinding (and Avoidance)
Phish Phinding (and Avoidance) OR You Think I’m Gonna Bite That? Phishing, Smishing, Vishing – Sounds like a Lewis Carroll nursery rhyme. Learn to identify

Password Intervention
Password Intervention OR No Hate Mail, Please – You Need To Hear This Julian Assange. Colonial Pipeline. Edward Snowden. What do they all have in

The End of Email?
The End of Email? OR What Have You Done For Me Lately? 90% of breaches start with a phishing email. Some reports say half of

Ransomware Survival – Part 3
Ransomware Survival – Part 3 OR Live, Work, but Don’t Repeat I had to plug in my Serious Keyboard for this post. When the dust

Ransomware Survival – Part 2
Ransomware Survival – Part 2 OR The Unintended Vice of Ignorance WARNING: Due the seriousness of the material, stickers have been added to lighten the mood.

Ransomware Survival – Part 1
Ransomware Survival – Part 1 OR, How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Tape Part 1 – Intro and Prep Ransomware is probably

Slow Internet? Here Are 9 Possible Causes.
Slow Internet? Here Are 9 Possible Causes Why is the Internet so slow? We pay for 100 Megs; why is my maximum download speed under

Take This 5 Question Cloud Test Before You Go Live!
Take This 5 Question Cloud Test Before You Go Live! Congratulations! You’ve decided to move into the Cloud. You are ready to enjoy the accessibility