Cybersecurity Foundations – Frameworks and Policy

Cyber structure

Cybersecurity Foundations – Frameworks and Policy OR Did You Read the Instructions? Cybersecurity, or security of any kind, is a vast and sometimes complicated orchestra of different technologies, departments, budgets, people, and policies. To someone unfamiliar, it can be similar to standing at the base of Mount Everest with a secure environment at the summit. How can […]

A One-Sided Cyberwar with Russia

A One-Sided Cyberwar with Russia OR That’s Not Yogi Nor Does He Want Your Pic-i-nic Baskets Am I the only one feeling early 80s vibes? What has possessed the superpowers of the world into this standoff? Beijing won’t stand by idly if things get hot, but not likely before the Olympics end on February 20th. […]

Wrangling and Securing IT Vendors

Cowboy Sunset

Wrangling and Securing IT Vendors OR Who Let the Intellectual Property Out? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? No single vendor can provide every Information Technology need. I have worked with individual entrepreneurs and Fortune 50 companies, and none of them do it alone. Everyone needs outside vendors. The most basic needs require five vendors, and […]

Phishing Phinding (and Avoidance)


Phish Phinding (and Avoidance) OR You Think I’m Gonna Bite That? Phishing, Smishing, Vishing – Sounds like a Lewis Carroll nursery rhyme. Learn to identify and avoid these all too common hacks to keep your identity, your data, and your money safe!  Phishing For Phools – Phishing attempts are those annoying emails that appear to be […]

Slow Internet? Here Are 9 Possible Causes.

Slow Internet

Slow Internet? Here Are 9 Possible Causes Why is the Internet so slow? We pay for 100 Megs; why is my maximum download speed under 10? I just want to download one small file. Why does it take so long? Sound familiar? Several things can cause slow Internet. Let’s start from the bottom and work […]

Take This 5 Question Cloud Test Before You Go Live!

Cloud IT

Take This 5 Question Cloud Test Before You Go Live! Congratulations! You’ve decided to move into the Cloud. You are ready to enjoy the accessibility and redundancy of Cloud-based data, computing, email, telephone, or other services offered. But is your network ready? Here’s your study guide before taking the test! Redundant Internet Connections Now that […]