Wrangling and Securing IT Vendors

Cowboy Sunset

Wrangling and Securing IT Vendors OR Who Let the Intellectual Property Out? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? No single vendor can provide every Information Technology need. I have worked with individual entrepreneurs and Fortune 50 companies, and none of them do it alone. Everyone needs outside vendors. The most basic needs require five vendors, and […]

Building A Better Democracy


Building A Better Democracy OR Secure Your Right…to Election Integrity I was recently asked how to build a secure voting system. There are two schools of thought. 1. Find trustworthy people from all interested parties to both count the paper and oversee the process. 2. Find a secure technology to let freedom ring while keeping pesky hackers out. Unfortunately, from a […]

Horror Stories – ZOMBIES!


Horror Stories – ZOMBIES! OR I Smell Bandwidth! I Want To Eat Your Bandwidth! It’s an age-old debate. Walkers or Runners? Brains or Flesh? Bandwidth or Backdoors? Well, the last refers to a different type of Zombie. These are the devices, either old or improperly configured, that devour your production Internet and network capacity or […]

Cybersecurity Basics – Daily Users

Cybersecurity Lock

Cybersecurity Basics – Daily Users OR Don’t Develop a Case of the Mondays This three-part series covers the basics of cybersecurity for three different user levels. Last week I spoke to the novice. Today’s entry is for daily computer users. You use a computer, tablet, or mobile device for work, school, or home. You can […]