Too Much Management On Your Hands?

Too Much Management On Your Hands? How and Why Everyone Received Promotions A time existed when a manager held responsibility for dozens or more workers. The entire warehouse or building reported to a single person. Today, you walk into an office where everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has a management title. The receptionist became the […]
CrowdStrike Outage Punctuates Vendor Fatigue

CrowdStrike Outage Punctuates Vendor Fatigue Outsourcing Gaps Show IT Weaknesses Even before CrowdStrike disbaled Windows computers worldwide, companies of all sizes were feeling vendor fatigue. Many companies who were wooed to Cloud-based, off-site support for IT services were already exploring either in-house or local alternatives. Besides delays and communication issues, customers found far too many […]
Stop Corporate Data Thieves Cold

Stop Corporate Data Thieves Cold Help To Restore Your Peace of Mind Not every employee and asset in your office works for you. Sure, there are those who secretly surf the web or watch videos all day. Those are petty thieves compared to the real insider threats hiding in your organization. How did they get […]
Latest Breach Data Tells All

Latest Breach Data Tells All What We Can Learn From Others’ Failures Verizon recently released its 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report. You can find it here (Link). The report covers over 30,000 incidents, of which over 10,000 were deemed actual breaches. To clarify, their percentages do overlap, so don’t roast me when I quote numbers […]
10 Privacy Tips for Business Owners

10 Privacy Tips for Business Owners Limit What You Share To Protect Your Business For business owners, privacy can be difficult. Growing a business requires leaving your desk, meeting new people, and seizing opportunities when they come along. As a business leader, you’ve read all the books. You walked in the shadows of giants who […]
“C” Is For Clueless

“C” Is For Clueless Why Executives Fail Miserably With Cybersecurity WARNING! The United States Federal Government is coming for you. When you fail to properly protect your data, you can and will be sued or fined. As we’ve seen, no company is immune from cyberattack or data breach. Some states are also holding companies accountable […]
7 Policy Changes To Prevent Corporate Breaches

7 Policy Changes to Prevent Corporate Breaches OR…Head-In-The-Sand Is NOT A Security Posture Home Depot and Target could not prevent corporate breaches, losing almost 100 million credit card records because of failed cybersecurity policy (Read about these breaches here). To this day, some people refuse to use their cards in either store. Losing trust is […]
Cyber Defense – The Meaning of Technology

Cyber Defense – The Meaning of…Technology OR Not In Front of the Interns! Life is hard enough without constantly worrying about cybercrime. Did you know cybercrime is now the world’s third-largest economy? These enemies are state-funded and numerous, looking to steal your data, money, and put you completely out of business. You need Policy, Education, […]
Cyber Defense – Kingdom Policies

Cyber Defense – Kingdom Policies OR I Told Him We Already Got One The organization is a kingdom, and cybercrime has it under siege! Did you know cybercrime is now the world’s third-largest economy? These enemies are state-funded and numerous, looking to steal your data and money, and put you completely out of business. You […]
Unlocking the Cybersecurity Insurance Questionnaire

Unlocking the Cybersecurity Insurance Questionnaire OR Insurance. Why does it always have to be insurance? Congratulations! our company survived whatever the heck you call the last two years. So, the storm isn’t over, but you made it this far, and you are well on your way to finding that treasure of financial success. Then, your […]