The Myth of Higher Education for IT

The Myth of Higher Education for IT Degrees Are Useless Paper Without Experience Many public schools are adding Cybersecurity tracks to their education curriculum. Colleges, universities, and even trade schools are frantically scrambling to cash in. Some of us remember a similar situation in the 90s when companies asked for more qualified candidates with experience […]
5 Lies And Solutions For The Cyber Jobs Market

5 Myths and Solutions for Cyber Jobs Where Are Those 4 Million Open Positions? There are supposedly 4 million open cybersecurity jobs in the US. Four million! That’s according to, Forbes, and the US Government. The United States Federal Government alone has 500,000 (Link). Indeed only shows 16,000 jobs (Link) and LinkedIn shows 110,000 […]
CrowdStrike Outage Punctuates Vendor Fatigue

CrowdStrike Outage Punctuates Vendor Fatigue Outsourcing Gaps Show IT Weaknesses Even before CrowdStrike disbaled Windows computers worldwide, companies of all sizes were feeling vendor fatigue. Many companies who were wooed to Cloud-based, off-site support for IT services were already exploring either in-house or local alternatives. Besides delays and communication issues, customers found far too many […]
The Time of Your (IT) Life

The Time of Your (IT) Life Synchronizing Your Logs For Fun and Profit Time. The common enemy of all humans. It is unstoppable, uncontrollable, unforgiving, and unbelievably necessary to keep your IT systems functioning. No police box or DeLorean required. What time is it? Computer systems see time differently than we humans. Yes, they can […]
The 7 Deadly Sins of AI

The 7 Deadly Sins of AI OR…What’s In The BOOOX??? Surprise, there’s another division. Companies around the world are rushing off into AI territories to stake their claim while others are begging for a complete halt. You can bet the Sooners have already built neural networks much older and more advanced than they admit. That […]
11 Tips IT Managers Need To Stop Breaches

11 Tips IT Managers Need To Stop Breaches OR…Silence Is Acceptance Few fears keep pro techies awake at night more than breaches. We’ve heard the stories. Entire IT departments removed after either a breach or ransomware attack. IT Managers and Directors sued or indicted. Even a strong employee contract can’t protect you in some states. […]
Cybersecurity Foundations – Acceptable Use Policy

Cybersecurity Foundations – Acceptable Use Policy OR You Didn’t Say I Couldn’t Do It Cybersecurity, or security of any kind, is a vast and sometimes complicated orchestra of different technologies, departments, budgets, people, and policies. To someone unfamiliar, it can be similar to standing at the base of Mount Everest with a secure environment at […]
Wrangling and Securing IT Vendors

Wrangling and Securing IT Vendors OR Who Let the Intellectual Property Out? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? No single vendor can provide every Information Technology need. I have worked with individual entrepreneurs and Fortune 50 companies, and none of them do it alone. Everyone needs outside vendors. The most basic needs require five vendors, and […]
Horror Stories – No People

Horror Stories – No People OR Hello? Anybody? No, I don’t mean the Zombie Apocalypse has rendered the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) an imploded pile of rubble. Of course, your mind went there. This is a specific recurring nightmare, keeping hiring managers and HR departments awake with cold sweats. Where have all the IT experts gone? […]
Cybersecurity Basics – Tech Lords

Cybersecurity Basics – Tech Lords OR My Other Car is a Police Call Box This three-part series covers the basics of cybersecurity for three different user levels. The final entry speaks to the administrators, the technical gurus that keep data flowing and businesses running. What wisdom can possibly be imparted upon such tech heads that they don’t […]