CrowdStrike Outage Punctuates Vendor Fatigue

An exhausted customer vendor service rep snoozing on her computer with her hand still clutched to her coffee

CrowdStrike Outage Punctuates Vendor Fatigue Outsourcing Gaps Show IT Weaknesses Even before CrowdStrike disbaled Windows computers worldwide, companies of all sizes were feeling vendor fatigue. Many companies who were wooed to Cloud-based, off-site support for IT services were already exploring either in-house or local alternatives. Besides delays and communication issues, customers found far too many […]

Prepare for Grid Failure

power grid failure

Prepare for Grid Failure OR…Hope You Bought A Can Opener Prepare for grid failure! A power grid failure could upset the balance of society. Don’t think so? Didn’t think Snowmageddon or Superstorm Sandy were possible either, did you? The US government acknowledges a problem exists, which means it’s already too late. The electrical grid recently […]

Practical Power Protection Guide

Power Source

Practical Power Protection Guide OR You’ve Got The Power, AC and DC! Technology without electricity? Our modern way of life would be impossible without it, especially with the level of comfort we have grown accustomed to. Is it a stretch to say that power, distribution, and protection are the lifeblood of Western Civilization? Well, maybe, […]

Grid Failure Survival Guide

Solar Flare

Grid Failure Survival Guide OR Be The Ants, Not The Grasshopper Disaster Planning covers situations such as grid failure when the unexpected or unprecedented happens in real life. The East Coast knows hurricanes and other weather events can wreak havoc. California is well versed in earthquake and wildfire issues. Flooding is a constant threat in […]

Cybersecurity Foundations – Risk Assessment and BIA

Cyber Risk

Cybersecurity Foundations – Risk Assessment and BIA OR Ignorance Is NOT Bliss We continue our climb up the mountain of Cybersecurity to discuss what is often the hardest meeting to schedule with all relevant parties, the Risk Assessment (RA). The RA is part of a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) that directly feeds policy creation but […]

Horror Stories – No Electricity

No Electricity

Horror Stories – No Electricity OR Pitch Black Electricity is like oxygen. You don’t think about it until you aren’t getting any. Sure, you have surge protectors, lightning arrestors, and uninterrupted power supplies, but that only keeps you going for the short term. Ask Montreal or New York what it was like to have NO electricity, at all, in the […]