Too Much Management On Your Hands?

An employee getting yelled at by the boss management

Too Much Management On Your Hands? How and Why Everyone Received Promotions A time existed when a manager held responsibility for dozens or more workers. The entire warehouse or building reported to a single person. Today, you walk into an office where everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has a management title. The receptionist became the […]

Police Beg You To Protect Your Money

Handcuffs lying on american dollars, financial crime concept protect

Police Beg You To Protect Your Money Financial Crimes Detectives Offer These Tips Detective Jeff Donley and his team work to protect us. They are with the Financial Crimes Division of the Cherokee County Georgia Sheriff’s Department (LinkedIn Link). In a recent presentation, he offered his team’s Top 10 tips to avoid financial scams both […]

5 Positive Cyber Thoughts for 2025

Experience the serene beauty of yoga on the beach at sunset, with a silhouette of a woman stretching her arms and legs positive

5 Positive Cyber Thoughts for 2025 Breathe and Don’t Worry About A Thing Namaste! Most people start the new year with resolutions to become more organized, eat right, workout, or just be a better human. Too many of these fade away in the first few weeks as reality comes a calling. But I am here […]

The Myth of Higher Education for IT

Sad Graduate Student Standing With Now What Placard On Street education

The Myth of Higher Education for IT Degrees Are Useless Paper Without Experience Many public schools are adding Cybersecurity tracks to their education curriculum. Colleges, universities, and even trade schools are frantically scrambling to cash in. Some of us remember a similar situation in the 90s when companies asked for more qualified candidates with experience […]

5 Lies And Solutions For The Cyber Jobs Market

Clever help wanted sign jobs

5 Myths and Solutions for Cyber Jobs Where Are Those 4 Million Open Positions? There are supposedly 4 million open cybersecurity jobs in the US. Four million! That’s according to, Forbes, and the US Government. The United States Federal Government alone has 500,000 (Link). Indeed only shows 16,000 jobs (Link) and LinkedIn shows 110,000 […]

Apple Privacy and Security Myths

worm walking on the outside of a red apple

Apple Privacy and Security Myths Dispelling the Lies of the World’s Largest Tech Company The Bright Red Apple Apple users beware! Remember The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe? Here are the highlights. Prince Prospero used his wealth to hide the nobles of his land inside his stronghold while the rest of […]

Why Try To Hide Online?

hide A businessman and a businesswoman standing with arms folded while wearing Groucho Marx glasses.

Why Try To Hide Online? Don’t Pay For Ineffective Anonymity Programs! Las Vegas is a spectacle of sights, sounds, and entertainment. Can’t hide your enthusiasm. But no trip to Vegas is complete without trying your luck in one of the many casinos that are the foundation of the city, according to the advertising. Anyone can […]

CrowdStrike Outage Punctuates Vendor Fatigue

An exhausted customer vendor service rep snoozing on her computer with her hand still clutched to her coffee

CrowdStrike Outage Punctuates Vendor Fatigue Outsourcing Gaps Show IT Weaknesses Even before CrowdStrike disbaled Windows computers worldwide, companies of all sizes were feeling vendor fatigue. Many companies who were wooed to Cloud-based, off-site support for IT services were already exploring either in-house or local alternatives. Besides delays and communication issues, customers found far too many […]

10 Tips To Get Cloud Ready

A beautiful young blonde woman sheltering under a torn and tattered yellow umbrella looks up miserably as she waits for a thunderstorm cloud to pass.

10 Tips To Get Cloud Ready Sticker Shock May Occur! Many reasons exist that drive businesses to the Cloud. Some want redundancy of services and protection of data their current office environment simply can’t handle. Some want to offer services to all users both in and out of the office. Others see it as a […]

Magic Inside QR Codes

qr codes Young businessman with angel and devil on his shoulders.

Magic Inside QR Codes The Good, The Bad, and The Hopeful They are everywhere. On television. In the grocery store. At your favorite restaurant. On the bus. In the newspaper. You probably have one within eyesight right now! No, it’s not a cute puppy. I’m talking about QR codes. Denso Wave, a Japanese company, invented […]